Help Our Nonprofit
Monetary donations help Save the Dals pay ongoing shelter, rescue, and veterinary fees, as well as boarding, training, and other costs.
All donations are tax deductible. A tax deductible receipt will be provided upon request.
To donate online, please use the Just Giving button, or scan the QR Code, below (both support various types of payments):

Gift Cards Help Too!
Gift cards help us supply food, toys, bedding, medicine, and more, and can be to popular retail stores such as PetSmart, Chewy, and Petco, as well as other online stores.
Please mail gift cards or donation checks to the address below, and be sure to include your full name and address if you need a tax-deductible receipt.
Send to Save the Dals: 2006 Pentuckett Ave., San Diego, CA 92104

Meet Parsley! Like so many Dals that aren’t fed the correct food or given the necessary medications, he came to us from a shelter with extremely painful bladder stones. Medication and a special diet were not enough, and he needed surgery. Thankfully his procedure was a success and he’s now home recuperating. Parsley’s surgery and after-care cost over $3,500, and he’ll be on Allopurinol for life.
Diamond is an almost 2 year-old English Bulldog who was mistreated. She came to us with her ears cropped, an abdominal hernia, and damaged ACLs. Her two hernia surgeries and first ACL surgery cost over $5,000. The picture is of Diamond showing off her scars (also, that is how the funny girl loves to sleep).Save The Dals takes in mixed-breeds, seniors, and dogs with medical and behavioral issues that not all rescues can afford to help. We also take in dogs from all over the country, working closely with and sharing costs with rescues from all over, even if we are not the rescue that ends up with the dogs.
Parsley and Diamond are just two of the many dogs we have helped. In the past year, we’ve taken in over 100 dogs just like them, at a cost of over $100,000. We spend, on average, about $80,000 each year rescuing and rehabilitating dogs that come into our care, including costs for boarding, medical care, transportation, and necessary professional training. We do it because we believe every dog should have the opportunity to thrive and find a forever home. Sadly, like so many rescues, we’re seeing a tremendous increase in dogs being relinquished and dropped off at shelters, with many requiring additional expenditures beyond the normal care we provide. We never want to turn a dog away simply because we don’t have the money to help them, so we are turning to you.
We can’t carry out our work without kind donations from people like you. If you’d like to donate to Parsley or Diamond’s surgeries, or make a general donation to enable us to continue helping dogs like them, please visit, or contact us (Messenger or if you would prefer to send a check, instead. No gift is too small, and as a registered 501(c)(3) charity, your contributions are tax deductible. From each of our volunteers that run the rescue, we send you our deepest gratitude.